I just need to have a little post update on my family. Everyone is growing up so fast, I need to blog and remember and treasure these moments while they're fresh in my mind!
My eldest will be turning THREE in April. THREE! Where did the time go?! He's grown up so much, I really can't call him a toddler anymore. He really is a little boy now. Which is both exciting and terrifying. It's heartwarming and makes me want to cry all at once. I love my little boy! And in just a few short years he'll be a big boy. Then a teenager. Then a man.
Oh man. Now I want to cry. Gahhhh!!!
He loves puzzles of all types. He has quite a few easy puzzles that he's mastered (48 piece) and now he's been trying out some 80 piece puzzles we have. It's so much fun to watch him look at the pieces, try rotating them, working it out in his mind where they go.
He also loves to climb, wrestle, jump off any furniture he's climbed on, tumble, run into the wall, and be a crazy little boy. I love how active he is, especially because he really does truly calm down to sit and color, work on puzzles and watch movies. He's active, but he can sit down too. I'm grateful for that balance!
We've been working on the backyard of the house lately. The former owners did their own drain system, and quite frankly, it is very poorly done. The sprinklers are also in the same sad state, so we're working on digging everything up. (and I also get to work on prepping the soil of my garden area. Yay!) He's been loving the time outside to help, play in whatever water he can, play in whatever mud he can, and get his boots stuck in the mud. So my boy!
My sweet #2. He's similar to A in quite a few ways, but so very different in many more ways. A liked his paci. That was all that we could do for him when it came to comforts, until he got much older and attached to a blanket. (THE star blankie. NOT the circle blankie!) Z, on the other hand, loves to suck his thumb, his fingers, however much of his fist that he can fit in his mouth. Every ultra sound we had, his hands were up by his face. This has remained so, even out of the womb. His hands are always cold from this, as he slobbers all over them and even though we keep the house a comfortable temperature for winter, it's still cool enough to make his hands freezing when wet. Not that that will deter him in the slightest!
We're entering the 'chomp everything' stage. He's been doing good for his age in sitting up and we've been encouraging him to sit in his high chair at the table with us when we eat. (currently it is VERY well padded to keep him in, but it's a start!) If he isn't sucking his fingers at the table, he is nomming the table.
The most notable difference in my mind between the two boys is the smile factor. A smiled as a baby, yes. But Z is quick to smile. A was more stoic, more intent on analyzing what was around him. Z just loves to smile at anyone, anything, anytime, anywhere. I love it.
Z does NOT like to be on his back. If I put him down on his back, he's quick to flip himself over onto his belly and watch from there. If A is running around, then Z will army crawl a bit to get the best view of the crazy action. It astounds us how proficient in this he is. He's a strong baby!
M is still busy at the car wash and enjoying it. He's been super busy at church, helping with both the sound team and playing bass in one of the bands. On top of that, he's a deacon and I'm a deaconess, so we've both been busy there. I'm just enjoying (and sometimes going crazy, I admit it) being at home with my boys, running the house and planning for preschool soon.
I love this picture of us from November. My man looks sharp!
In a few months I'll hopefully have a few more sharp pictures of all of us, as M's little sister is getting married. YAY! We are beyond excited for her, and we love the man she's marrying. He's the perfect addition to our family.
And yeah, I know, it's crazy that I'm blogging something other than recipes or Stitch Fix! But I do want to start trying to have a bit more variety here, as then I'll have more to write about! Sometime soon I'll try to start writing about my garden-to-be. Is there something you think I should write about specifically? Let me know, I want to get better at this!
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